Our Pasture raised poultry is nothing like your grocery store chicken.
We care about the land, the environment, and we believe that what you eat matters. The traditional raising of meat birds is honestly just gross & we feel its unethical. So we do things differently. All of our birds are either free ranged or like our meat birds moved daily to fresh grass in “chicken tractors”. Our pasture raised chickens are fed a primary diet of locally milled feed, supplemented by a diet rich in insects, worms, legumes, grasses and seeds found naturally while foraging the pasture. The resulting meat is higher in vitamins, nutrients, and essential fatty acids due to the varied diet.
Availabilty OF Pasture Raised chicken
We have pasture raised poultry available for sale usually in the spring/early summer. Our birds are humanely processed at Central Illinois Poultry Processing in Arthur IL.
All whole birds are sold frozen and are $5/LB.